usta st. louis
usta st. louis usta st. louis usta st. louisPLAY TENNIS
If you're looking for tennis information in the greater St. Louis metro area, this is great place to start! USTA St. Louis is here to help so please let us know if you have any questions - send us an email at
• COMMUNITY: We believe in the power of tennis to create human connection.
• INCLUSION: We believe in growing a sport that is open to all.
• WELLNESS: We believe in the life-changing benefits of tennis.
Growing tennis to inspire healthier people and communities everywhere.
1 First Missouri Center, Suite 115, St. Louis, Missouri (outside entrance in the First Bank building, across from the ATM)
Office: 314-432-3990 Adults: Juniors: JTT: Executive Director: All Other: HOURS: please call/email in advance, hours may vary
Open today | 10:00 am – 04:00 pm |
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